From under the blanket....
I learn something today...i guess those peoples will never stop attacking my faith, my religion.And now the bad part is...they came from under our blanket.While others choose bombs and guns in battlefield with their blood, i choose knowledge, du'as and the words as my weapons.But how many times they try or how many ways they took, they will never win.I'm not the one who promise that...that's the promise of Allah....
"Yuriiduuna li yuthfi-uu nuurallaahi bi afwaahihim wallaahu mutimmu nuurihii wa lau karihal kaafirunn" Mereka hendak memadamkan cahaya agama Allah dengan mulut tipu daya mereka, sedangkan Allah justru menyempurnakan cahaya-Nya walau orang-orang kafir membencinya [QS:Ash Shaff 8]